
Cogie Domingo and Rachel Tiongson

 Cogie Domingo's father denied that his son Cogie Domingo had a romantic relationship with the common-law wife of Luis Chavit Singson, Rachel Che Tiongson

From PEP:

He said, "Cogie has the highest respect for Governor Luis 'Chavit' Singson. He will not and did not willfully cause any damage to the reputation of this high government official—to tarnish his public image. He personally knows Rachel Tiongson. He was introduced by common friends who he frequently went out with in the course of his professional and personal activities. Che Tiongson was introduced to him, not as a woman who was already committed but as a respectable person and certainly not as the wife or live-in partner of Governor Singson.

His son by the way is back from the United States.

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